Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lifebuilders 4/7/08

Dear Lifebuilder:

A near speechless Mr Freeze (laryngitis) attempted to MC the class.

VISITOR: Crickett Keith

JOANNE CLARK debriefed the class on the FEC Womenses trip to visit Ruben Guytan and the Tlapanaco Indians in Mexico recently. Graphic flashy images were vividly generated by Nick and his larger-than-life Dell lap top and projector. Picture highlights can be viewed at the Lifebuilder Blogger Site: Lifebuilders Blogger Site

THORNE THANGS: Pat Thorne was tested and found to have a polyp and an ulcer. The polyp was terminated with extreme prejudice while the ulcer is being medically treated.

WORD FROM KIRK'S MOTHER: Preliminary reports indicated that Lifebuilder Supreme Bakestress, KATE PATRICK's Café Eclectic is doing a brisk business in Mid Town. Drop by and enjoy. The link is: Café Eclectic

MISSIONARY COLA: Missionaries in any of the EU countries have had a 25% decline in the purchase power of their US Dollars over the past year. Please factor in your giving this year accordingly.

SHEILIA GROSSHART requests prayer for son, KENNY, who is ill.

ANNE JORDAN requests prayer for daughter, MORGAN, who is struggling with her college choice.

The JOE WHITES also requests prayer for their daughter's college choice.

CULTURE STUFF: Lifebuilder film mavens were on the move this past week at the movie debut of "The Band's Visit" at Ridgeway Four. An insightful review of the movie can be viewed at the Lifebuilder Haut Couture Blogger Site: Lifebuilder's Haute Couture Review Site

STACEY TRIMBLE UPDATE: Stacey will being undergoing 4 months of chemotherapy, followed by 6 weeks of radiation, and then a second round of a different chemo which will be once a month for a full year. She will probably get her second round of chemotherapy in Oman.

TIN FOIL HATS ANYONE? Despite the joy of wife Sara's homecoming, LE LOBSTER was upset by this week's publication of an MIT study refuting the effectiveness of tin foil hats "foiling" electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers. Larry finds his foil beanie helpful in protecting against incoming signals and blocking most forms of brain scanning and mind reading. "Parents seem more confident in me when I'm sporting one of these things while doing a prolonged extraction on one of the little ones in the office." Notes Larry. After several attempts by neighbors to drag Larry down to Temple, Larry started avoiding wearing the traditional beanie style hats on Saturdays. "On Saturdays, I switch to the 'Fez' or 'Centurion' type foil headpieces when hanging out with Sara and the girls." More on the MIT Tin Foil Hat Study can be viewed at: MIT Tin Foil Hat Study A quick primer on the Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie can be viewed at: Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

-Do the work of an evangelist

-Neal- still twisting in Frayser

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